Module Description:
This Module has a duration of 2 semesters and consists of two courses, Main Instrument I and Ensemble IA. The contact teaching time for each course is 90 minutes per week and is evaluated through a graded test at the end of the second semester (short concert, repertoire and technical exercises).
Total Credit Points: 24
Module 01: Artistic Main Instrument I
Learning Outcome:
- The students must be able to tune the bass using overtones / harmonics and understand how the electronics work.
- They will know all the basic fret and pluck hand techniques and string crossings.
- They must be able to build tri-chords and tri-chord pairs and have a good understanding of the intervals, both sound and shape on their instrument.
- They will be able to play major and minor triads in all their inversions in all 7 Ionian modes and play all the Ionian modes as well as the tetra-chords contained in them.
- They will be able to identify all the hand shapes used to construct the modes, tetra-chords and triads.
- They will be able to play all the exercises using a metronome and must show that they understand how the fret-board works well.
- They will be able to read bass clef on their instruments and will be able to read all the exercises in the curriculum.
- In the ensemble class they will learn to apply the techniques learnt on their instrument in ensemble playing.
- They will be able to understand the form of a song and be able to play from a lead sheet in the ensemble.
Total Credit Points: 20
Module 01: Artistic Main Instrument I
Learning Outcome:
- The students must be able to understand and read drum notation in binary rhythms on the drum kit, including time signatures and meter changes.
- They will learn the correct movement patterns for the drum kit and the correct stroke techniques.
- Using these techniques they will develop their rhythmic independence when playing drum patterns using binary rhythms.
- Theywill be able to transfer patterns and combinations easily to the different types of rhythmic styles dealt with in the first year.
- In the ensemble class they will learn to apply the techniques learnt on their instrument in ensemble playing.
- They will be able to understand the form of a song and be able to play from a lead sheet in the ensemble.
Total Credit Points: 20
Module 01: Artistic Main Instrument I
Learning Outcome:
- The students will be able to tune their instruments correctly also using harmonics and will understand how the electronics work.
- They will have a good grounding in basic technique for the pluck and fret hands, pull-off, hammer-on, staccato and legato, slides, bending as well as intervals on the guitar.
- They will be able to play major and minor triads and their inversions, tri-chords, tetra-chords and will be able to play all 7 modes of the Ionian system in all keys as well as play 2 octave major and minor arpeggios in all keys and play major and minor bar chords.
- They understand how to find 7th chord minimal voicings using the Ionian mode and add extensions.
- They will be able to read all the exercises in the curriculum and apply the modes and triads to simple tunes, read and play simple chord progressions, and simple treble clef.
- In the ensemble class they will learn to apply the techniques learnt on their instrument in ensemble playing.
- They will be able to understand the form of a song and be able to play from a lead sheet in the ensemble.
Total Credit Points: 20
Module 01: Artistic Main Instrument I
Learning Outcome:
- The students must be able to understand and read drum notation in binary rhythms on the congas (and other hand percussion instruments) including, time signatures and meter changes.
- They will learn the correct movement patterns for hand drums and shakers and the correct stroke techniques.
- Using these techniques they will develop their rhythmic independence when playing percussion patterns using binary rhythms.
- They will be able to transfer patterns and combinations easily to the different types of rhythmic styles and hand percussion instruments dealt with in the first year.
- In the ensemble class they will learn to apply the techniques learnt on their instrument in ensemble playing.
- They will be able to understand the form of a song and be able to play from a lead sheet in the ensemble.
Total Credit Points: 20
Module 01: Artistic Main Instrument I
Learning Outcome:
- The students will develop good posture, understand the anatomy of the body and develop proper breathing and warm-up techniques.
- They will be able to sing all the diatonic modes and their triads and seventh chords their inversions in arpeggios.
- They will understand and be able to use tetrachords to develop simple ideas for improvisation, improvise vocal lines over a chord progression and sing simple chord progressions.
- They will be able to analyze both traditional and popular song forms and make vocal harmonizations and arrangements both for a band and in A Capella form and be able to sight sing and sing in parts and work from a written arrangement with song sheets.
- They will understand basic song structures using binary musical form including intros, codas, interludes, solo sections, repeat bars and 1st and 2nd time bars.
Total Credit Points: 20
Module 01: Artistic Main Instrument
Piano / Keyboard
Learning Outcome:
- The students will be able to play all the Ionian modes with correct fingerings and the correct technique with two hands.
- They will be able to play all their triads in all inversions, as well as triad combinations in half steps, whole steps, thirds and fourths and alternating major and minor triad pairs and read the exercises in the piano curriculum.
- They will be able to practice using a metronome.
- They will be able to apply the modes and triads to simple tunes, read simple chord progressions and simple bass and treble clef on a piano stave.
- In the ensemble class they will learn to apply the techniques learnt on their instrument in ensemble playing.
- They will be able to understand the form of a song and be able to play from a lead sheet in the ensemble.
Total Credit Points: 20
Module 01: Artistic Main Instrument
Learning Outcome:
- The students will be able to execute the correct breathing technique for saxophone (inhaling and supported exhaling) as well as play with the right embouchure, tongue and mouthpiece position
- they will understand how mouthpieces work and how to choose the best combination of reed and mouthpiece
- they will learn how to develop their embouchure using mouthpiece exercises and overtone exercises to develop a rich sound and build a stable foundation with good intonation and dynamic control
- They will learn how to tongue and slur notes efficiently to gain a strong and flexible articulation using Jazz tonguing which will give them a fluent foundation, being able to move into any stylistic direction in groove based music
- they will learn how to play all the Ionian modes with all the correct fingerings.
- they will learn how to play all the modes in thirds and using inversions ot the thirds
- They will learn to play all the major and minor triads in all their inversions and all the major, minor and half diminished seventh chords in all their inversions
- they will begin learning how to express harmony using simple phrases over basic chord porgressions
- they will be able to read transposed Bb or Eb charts in treble clef
- In the ensemble class they will learn to apply the techniques learnt on their instrument in ensemble playing and they will be able to understand the form of a song and be able to play from a lead sheet in the ensemble.
Total Credit Points: 20
Module 01: Artistic Main Instrument
Learning Outcome:
- The students will be able to execute the correct breathing technique for trumpet (inhaling and supported exhaling) as well as play with the right embouchure, tongue and mouthpiece position
- they will be able to effortlessly create a rich sound and build a foundation for stable intonation as well as strong and controlled dynamics allow them to play with ease
- They will learn about the differences in intonation by using the tuning slide and using breath, tongue and embouchure to control intonation
- The students will understand how the overtone series works on the trumpet as well as how overtones are produced on the instrument.
- They will improve their range and ability to play a minimum of the first 5 overtones (if not more) as a result
- They will learn how to tongue and slur notes efficiently to gain a strong and flexible articulation using Jazz phrasing which will give them a fluent foundation, being able to move into any stylistic direction in groove based music
- They will work on accurate fingering, a requirement for playing fast phrases
- They will learn to use their trumpet for practical ear training, playing intervals from various pitches up to an octave for improving pitch accuracy and intonation (avoiding splitting notes)
- They will learn how to play all the Ionian modes with the correct fingerings as well as major and minor triads and 7th chords in all inversions applied to all 12 keys within the players practical range
- they will be able to read transposed Bb-Charts in treble clef
- In the ensemble class they will learn to apply the techniques learnt on their instrument in ensemble playing and they will be able to understand the form of a song and be able to play from a lead sheet in the ensemble.
- to be announced
Total Credit Points: 20
Module 01: Artistic Main Instrument
Learning Outcome:
- The students will be able to execute the correct breathing technique for trombone (inhaling and supported exhaling) as well as play with the right embouchure, tongue and mouthpiece position
- they will be able to effortlessly create a rich sound and build a foundation for stable intonation as well as strong and controlled dynamics allow them to play with ease
- They will learn about the differences in intonation by using the tuning slide and using breath, tongue and embouchure to control intonation
- They will understand how the overtone series works on the trombone as well as how overtones are produced on the instrument.
- They will improve their range and ability to play a minimum of the first 5 overtones (if not more) as a result
- They will learn how to tongue and slur notes efficiently to gain a strong and flexible articulation using Jazz phrasing which will give them a fluent foundation, being able to move into any stylistic direction in groove based music
- They will work on accurate slide technique, a requirement for playing fast phrases
- They will learn to use their trumpet for practical ear training, playing intervals from various pitches up to an octave for improving pitch accuracy and intonation (avoiding splitting notes)
- They will learn how to play all the Ionian modes with the correct slide positions as well as major and minor triads and 7th chords in all inversions applied to all 12 keys within the players practical range
- they will be able to read concert C-Charts in bass clef
- In the ensemble class they will learn to apply the techniques learnt on their instrument in ensemble playing and they will be able to understand the form of a song and be able to play from a lead sheet in the ensemble.
- to be announced
Total Credit Points: 20